You Know You Like Sailor Moon Too Much When List


Here is a list of things obsessed Sailor Moon fans might do (or things that are so insane that you would never see someone in their right mind do). Please add to the list if you want, just give me an email if you do have an idea. The ones in purple are ones I have written.






1. You think the alphabet goes like this S-A-I-L-O-R-  M-O-O-N- I-S-  T-H-E  -B-E-S-T  -A-N-D-  I-T-  R-O-X
2. You created your own website
3. You know what a moonie is
4. You are a moonie
5. You are always looking for other moonies
6. You can sing the Japanese theme song
7. You can sing several other songs from the show in Japanese
8. You are learning Japanese
9. You have a box of lights and you write Sailor in front of the words Starlights so it becomes Sailor Starlights